
A few of our favorite things...

Wold War II Memorial
theFred loved this place
and found his grandfather's name among the honorees. Old Post Office
want to see a 360 degree view of D.C.
without waiting in line for the Washington Memorial
this is the place...
and you can even find a cheap lunch on the lower level!
White House
a must!
Crescent Bend, Knoxville
A beautiful 7-tiered garden with tulips in bloom...lovely!

We had an action packed week
and I am glad to be back in my very own bed.
Now we need another vacation to recover!


Peace of Self

when people get it wrong,
and they believe you to be
someone other than who you are
it is inevitable
the more you fight
to reveal the truth,
the less likely they are
to find you…
you lose yourself in the fight
and become
that someone else
I lost.
I walked away
and found myself
The fight continued,
but for the first time
I maintained my sense of self
I lost again?
Not a loss.
I did not lose myself.
At last,
I walked away
I may have lost the fight
but I won
the internal battle.
And though those people
are no longer around,
I am eternally grateful
for the gift
of life
of self